Hello everyone, Welcome back to our blog. It's been  very long since we have written and shared our blog with you . But now we will try and do regular blogging. So, let's resume with a light- hearted , simple as well as necessary topic. As you all know one of our main topic is Environment and as the title of this blog suggests , today's topic is ' Planting in Homes'. 
In this blog you will  specifically get to know  about the advantages of plants in houses . We will also suggest some of the top indoor-plants that enhance your house's beauty and  purify the air that you take in.

You know, what is the most beautiful thing about plants? - They make your life Happy and colorful. By colorful I don't literally mean Colors πŸ˜„. 
I am a plant-lover and I time to time search for plants that I can keep in my home. If you have a garden in front or back of your house that is the best thing but still you need indoor plants . But why??? 

Indoor Plants (Plants inside your house) are important because - first of all they Improve your Mental healthThey are undoubtedly extremely beneficial for health. UK researchers have found that people having plants at home feel more happier by just looking at the plants and their greenery. When you live in an inner area of the city , having greenery around you makes you feel less boxed in.  If you add certain plants to hospital rooms, it will help speed up recovery rates of surgical patients. Researches have said that patients in rooms with plants request less pain-killers; have lower heart rates and blood pressure ; experience less fatigue and anxiety & are discharged from the hospital sooner. This shows that plants boost up your mental well-being. one can find a 'sense of peace' in plants. 

 A study discovered that adding plants to office settings and classrooms decreases fatigue, headaches and increases attentiveness to 70%. They also boost up learning abilities of children in classrooms and sharpen focus. Whereas , working areas without plants are dull and demotivating. You can add golden pothos (Devil's ivy) or bamboo palm in offices. 
Bamboo plant is a great indoor plant and it also keeps the surrounding air clean. Golden Pothos serve to purify air and also eliminate odor. (Pics given below) ↓

Plants also improve your immune system .(This point is little tricky but can be wonderful help if understood seriously.) 
Technically, all plants give off Phytoncides as part of their daily metabolic process .
What are Phytoncides? - Phytoncides are organic compounds which have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumor-infected & virus-infected cells in our bodies.

Plants remove toxins from air and also add moisture to the air around them. Air inside our home can be more harmful to us than air in the middle of the city. Pollutants get in our houses but find it hard to get out. Bacteria and viruses stick inside the home. Have you ever thought about it? 
Plants release chemicals that tackle the pollutants, rectifying the air conditioning balance. It makes air safer and healthier. According to a research, Plants remove around 87% of pollutants in the air around them. The plant that I would suggest that is easy to maintain and is the best air purifier would be Snake Plant. Snake Plant has the ability to absorb and remove toxins. It is one of the top 10 air purifying plants. (Pic given below) ↓

Plants not only add color to the room but they also add liveliness to your space. They give birth to Inspiration and Creativity. You must have noticed and experienced that flowers lift up your mood and make you feel Brightful (Bright + Beautiful) . 
Have you seen Lipstick PlantIt is a beautiful indoor plant  with interesting flowers looking like miniature tube of lipstick. (pic given below) ↓

I have experienced this in my life as well. Whenever my mood is a little off or I'm annoyed or when I just want to be alone, I go and sit with my sweet plants and just sit there for sometime, look at them ; think about things , sometimes nothing and after a few minutes I just forget that my mood was down or something annoying was running in my head. I don't have many plants  but I love them all. I love them not because I pity them or need them for their benefits, but because they are so soothing and tranquil. 😊 

Other blogs on Environment-


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