
Showing posts with the label Electricity


Hello everyone, Welcome back to our blog. It's been  very long since we have written and shared our blog with you . But now we will try and do regular blogging. So, let's resume with a light- hearted , simple as well as necessary topic. As you all know one of our main topic is Environment and as the title of this blog suggests , today's topic is ' Planting in Homes'.  In this blog you will  specifically get to know  about the advantages of plants in houses . We will also suggest some of the top indoor-plants that enhance your house's beauty and  purify the air that you take in. You know, what is the most beautiful thing about plants? - They make your life Happy and colorful. By colorful I don't literally mean Colors 😄.  I am a plant-lover and I time to time search for plants that I can keep in my home. If you have a garden in front or back of your house that is the best thing but still you need indoor plants . But why???  Indoor Plants (Plants inside...


Science has blessed mankind with a number of its boons. Electricity is one of them. There is no walk of life in which life electricity does not play an important part. Without paying much attention, we use a lot of electricity each day- from charging electronics to watching TV. But are we that smart while using energy. The answer is NO.                              " Don't be safety blinded,                 Be safety minded. " COMMON ELECTRICITY- WASTING HABITS: ❌ Leaving the lights on ❌ Leaving electronic plugged-in ❌ Staring into the refrigerator unnecessarily ❌ Running the washing machine half-full ( run when full load) ❌ Setting the water heater temperature too high    And so on..... METHODS TO AVOID WASTING  ELECTRICITY: 💡 Simply turn-off the lights when you leave a room or your home. You will save electricity and your light bulbs will last longer( thi...