Child Abuse is when a parent, caregiver, or any person, whether through action or failing to act causes injury, emotional harm, risk of harm, or death of a child. There are many forms of child maltreatment including Neglect, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, Emotional Abuse, and many more. Some abuses include the following:- verbally abusing the child teasing a child Bullying (at home, school etc.) Ignoring and not listening to them purposely Emotionally depriving the child Touching them inappropriately (private parts primarily) Engaging them forcefully in sexual activities (harassment, rape, etc.) Types of Child Abuse by WHO ① Physical Abuse - Physical Abuse includes beating , shaking , biting , burning , kicking , etc. which may cause physical injury to the child. ② Sexual Abuse - It includes touching the child's genitals, rape or exposing the child to sexual activities, child pornography etc. ③ Social and Emotional Abuse - It includes terrorizing, isolat...