What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of 'Nature' ?? Greenery, Right?
But, the beauty of nature is more than just greenery. Everything that you feel and see around like Mountains, forests, birds, animals, rivers etc.- are all part of Nature.
The significance of Nature cannot be over-emphasized because the things that nature provides us are not replaceable by modern technology.

Early morning with a beautiful sunrise with some droplets on plants; a beautiful sunset near the ocean/beach; a beautiful night with twinkling stars; a beautiful clear sky & a beautiful rainbow....... What a dream!! Is this Heaven!!

These beautiful things belong to Nature. 

🟊Now some facts for you: 

Nature helps in Emotional regulation & improves Memory functions.
     A study on the cognitive benefits of nature found that people who took 'nature walks' did better on a memory test than people who walked on 'the streets'.

Nature benefits people suffering from depression.

      Studies show that people suffering from mild or major depressive disorders showed significant mood upliftments when exposed to nature.

⨳ A study at the University of Kansas found that spending more time outdoors and less time with our electronic devices can increase our problem-solving skills and creative abilities.

Therefore, we must cherish the natural world because we're a part of it & we depend on it.
Make peace of mind your priority.
Let's start spending some time with our nature and don't just spend time for a benefit, but let's do something for Nature.🌳🐦⛅🌈


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