About Us
About us :-
Welcome everyone,here is slight sneak-peek into our blogger's page 'turtleback1.blogspot.com'.This page is all about spreading our views on some topics like development of human being and environment, separately.
This blog page will be providing you knowledge about various topics for making you a better and evolve person .We will try our best to explain our believes on every topic as much as possible.
Why is the name TurtleBack?:-
The reason behind naming our page as Turtleback is that - turtle is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. According to Hindu culture Turtle back is depicted as holding the earth and providing life. So through our blog page we are holding on giving the knowledge and making one another more sensitive to emotions and environment.
General topics that we will cover:-
We are planning on spreading our opinion on some general topics like -
1.Global Warming
2. Overpopulation
3. Wildlife
6. Importance of education
7.Social etiquette
Words from the editors:-
1. Shivika Garg:
This page is very special to me as it has given the opportunity to spread and view of emotional and overall development of humans.I will be leading this part of the page on the basis of my knowledge and learning.
2. Nida Quazi:
I am extremely excited and happy that I'll be covering Environment related topics. Nature is something that I really adore and value so I'll be really happy if even a single person will get inspired through this topic.
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