Child Abuse is when a parent, caregiver, or any person, whether through action or failing to act causes injury, emotional harm, risk of harm, or death of a child. 

There are many forms of child maltreatment including Neglect, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, Emotional Abuse, and many more.

Some abuses include the following:-

  • verbally abusing the child
  • teasing a child
  • Bullying (at home, school etc.)
  • Ignoring and not listening to them purposely
  • Emotionally depriving the child
  • Touching them inappropriately (private parts primarily)
  • Engaging them forcefully in sexual activities (harassment, rape, etc.)

Types of Child Abuse by WHO

Physical Abuse - Physical Abuse includes beating, shaking, biting, burning, kicking, etc. which may cause physical injury to the child.

Sexual Abuse - It includes touching the child's genitals, rape or exposing the child to sexual activities, child pornography etc.

Social and Emotional Abuse - It includes terrorizing, isolating, shaming, corrupting, making them feel worthless, name-calling, harsh criticism.

Neglect - It is the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility of a child- to provide food, clothing, shelter, medication, education and basically all survival needs.


Prevention of Child Abuse

1. The topmost responsibility of a person who finds that the child is being abused must report to authorities as soon as possible.

2. The schools must have counselling sessions so that every child could talk to the counsellor and get rid of their problem (if any).

3. Parents should understand their in terms of what they, how they behave, changes in their behavior.

4. Parents should not punish the child regarding the things that are insignificant. Excessive punishment can impact them mentally.

5. The child should be kept healthy. They should be given proper food, sleep and outdoor games time. 

6. The parents should not neglect their child in any case.

7. The parents should have a Democratic environment in the house so that the child can express openly and be listened also.

Constitutional Rights

1. Article 14       → Equality before the law in the territory of the country. This article means that at the stage of war or any disastrous situation the child should be treated first before the adults and old. 

2. Article 15(3) → Special Provision to women and children.

3. Article 21(A) → Free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6-14 years.

4. Article 23      → Prohibition of Human trafficking and forced labor.

5. Article 24      → Prohibition of employment of children below the age of 14 years, in factories, etc.

6. Article 39(F) → Children should be given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in a condition of freedom and dignity.

Child abuse is not an incident that one goes through their childhood and destroys it, rather it is an incident that affects the whole life of that individual. They are depressed, introvert, have insecurity, can not trust people easily.


  1. So Impressive and intellectual...keep it upπŸ‘ for the wonderful blog by u...Thank you so much for giving a wonderful lesson through this blog...πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

  2. Really very impressive good work...keep goingπŸ’š

  3. Children are the backbone to everything ❤️. Thanks to get them some spotlight.

    1. True... Thank you for reading and giving your feedback 😊

  4. Children are the backbone to everything ❤️. Thanks to get them some spotlight.

  5. This blog is very important for the youth .It should be share to everyone. Nowadays abuse is normal like simple language . People are not talking in there language that they learn but they are using abuse language as a medium

  6. Very nice turtle back πŸ™‚πŸ˜Š


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